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The Motley Fool: 3 Arguments for Every Investor to Hold at Least Some Bitcoin

In a financial and political landscape filled with uncertainties, one asset has emerged as a beacon of hope for investors seeking a truly decentralized and resilient asset: Bitcoin (BTC -5.19%). With its unique attributes and growing acceptance, the cryptocurrency is proving that it deserves a spot in every investor's portfolio. 

While the amount of exposure will vary by individual preferences, evidence is mounting that some sort of allocation of the world's most valuable cryptocurrency is not a luxury but becoming more of a necessity. Here are three reasons every investor should seriously consider owning some Bitcoin as part of a diversified portfolio.

1. Economic sovereignty through decentralization

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One of Bitcoin's most compelling features lies in its decentralization, free from any governmental policies or interference. Unlike traditional fiat currencies subject to inflation and manipulation by central banks, the digital coin operates independently across thousands of nodes spread out around the globe. 

Unlike other cryptocurrencies and especially fiat currencies, there is no single entity with control of the network. This means that Bitcoin's sound monetary policy is virtually impossible to change and provides investors with confidence that it will continue to run just as it has since it was created in 2009. 

Investors who hold it can preserve value outside of the existing financial system, which has its strings pulled by governments. Bailing out banks, providing stimulus checks to citizens, and financing ever-growing debt provide benefits in the short term. But these policies are enacted without the consent of individuals, ultimately eroding the purchasing power of their hard-earned money. Bitcoin provides an alternative. 

2. Inherent scarcity and diminishing supply growth

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Besides decentralization, Bitcoin has another compelling aspect that sets it apart from traditional fiat currencies: its scarcity and the diminishing rate of supply growth. Unlike fiat currencies, which face constant inflationary pressures and have an unlimited supply, Bitcoin's supply is strictly limited to 21 million coins.

Furthermore, the mechanism of halvings, a process hardwired into its code, ensures that fewer and fewer bitcoins enter circulation approximately every four years.

Today, Bitcoin's supply growth rate stands at roughly 1.75%. And come April 2024, the next halving event will slash this rate to less than 1%; about four years after that, it will be cut in half again. This process will continue until 2140, when the last bitcoin is mined.

The remarkable aspect of this is the certainty and transparency surrounding this process, as Bitcoin's open-source code allows anyone to peer into its inner workings and functionality. In stark contrast, fiat currencies lack this level of certainty or transparency, leaving people vulnerable to the unpredictable consequences of inflation and weak monetary policy. 

As the antithesis to fiat currencies, Bitcoin brings a sense of stability and predictability. Investors and users can rest assured that the supply will never exceed the predetermined limit of 21 million, and the scheduled halving events ensure a gradual reduction in its supply growth rate. 

3. Growing institutional adoption and recognition

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It might seem like the chance to capitalize on Bitcoin has passed, considering its appreciation of more than 12,000% in the past 10 years, but in fact there might not be a better time.

Bitcoin's unique characteristics are slowly becoming recognized by people around the world, and more recently by large institutional players. While its initial rise was attributed to common retail investors, the entrance of institutional participants is further legitimizing the asset and could add unprecedented demand to the limited supply.

Leading companies like Tesla and MicroStrategy pioneered the concept of holding Bitcoin on their balance sheets in 2021. But today, this trend has evolved even further as industry leaders such as BlackRock, Fidelity, and Invesco are exploring the introduction of the crypto to the stock market. 

These firms plan to introduce spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds, hoping to provide a product that can be traded on the stock market. That will help democratize access and enable millions of people to add itBitcoin to 401(k) plans, pension funds, and other traditional investment portfolios, potentially creating unprecedented demand for the scarce supply.

The opportunity at hand

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Despite showing signs of diminishing volatility, Bitcoin remains one of the more volatile assets available today, and this should be accounted for by investors based on their risk tolerance. Although this can be helpful in bull markets as its price grows exponentially, in bear markets it could prove to be problematic for those looking to control risk. 

However, aside from its volatility, Bitcoin's unique qualities could be beneficial to those with more appetite for risk. As recognition of these qualities continues to grow and deep-pocketed institutions pile in, a potentially lucrative opportunity presents itself. In doing so, investors can reclaim their economic sovereignty and benefit from evolving dynamics around supply and demand. 

RJ Fulton has positions in Bitcoin and Tesla. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Bitcoin and Tesla. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.


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Name: Christopher Espinoza

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Introduction: My name is Christopher Espinoza, I am a transparent, skilled, unguarded, unreserved, unwavering, Colorful, apt person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.