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Bitcoin is no longer accepted for purchasing Teslas, but Dogecoin is still accepted

Posted On July 26, 2023 4:44 pm 0


Tesla, the electric car giant led by billionaire Elon Musk, has decided to drop Bitcoin as a payment option. However, in a twist that left many in the crypto scene puzzled, the company has retained Dogecoin (DOGE) in its list of accepted digital currencies.

Bye-Bye Bitcoin, Hello Dogecoin

Following months of speculation about whether or not Tesla would continue to support Bitcoin transactions, the company made the official announcement: Bitcoin is out. However, Dogecoin, the meme-based cryptocurrency that has seen a meteoric rise in popularity and value in recent years, is still in. This decision maintains Tesla’s foothold in the world of cryptocurrencies, albeit with a rather unexpected choice of ally.

exchange comparison

Why Did Tesla Drop Bitcoin?

The reasons behind Tesla’s decision to drop Bitcoin are yet to be officially disclosed. Previously, the company suspended Bitcoin payments due to environmental concerns regarding the energy-intensive process of Bitcoin mining. Whether these same concerns are the driving force behind the company’s decision to completely remove Bitcoin as a payment option remains uncertain.

Bitcoin Mining: Explained

Dogecoin’s Growing Credibility

Meanwhile, Dogecoin continues to enjoy the spotlight. Tesla’s decision to keep Dogecoin as a payment option boosts the credibility of this cryptocurrency, suggesting it might not be as much of a joke as some had initially thought. Could Tesla’s endorsement be the push that propels Dogecoin to even greater heights? Time will tell.

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Author: Linda Montgomery

Last Updated: 1704281522

Views: 1343

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Name: Linda Montgomery

Birthday: 1944-04-19

Address: 3573 Booth Islands, Port Kayla, IA 54585

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Job: Biomedical Engineer

Hobby: Whiskey Distilling, Video Editing, Wine Tasting, Rowing, Cycling, Reading, Kite Flying

Introduction: My name is Linda Montgomery, I am a ingenious, welcoming, enterprising, steadfast, risk-taking, exquisite, receptive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.